After you press play, this will play what you have in the opened channel rack pattern. Let’s zoom in and cover it in different sections: Play Section Toolbar contains the main controls of essential production flow. There are more to cover, but I will make intermediate, advanced tutorials in another post to make this article more easy to follow. These are the main points that you will be using more oftenly as a beginner. The most basic and most used functions in Menu bar is: It is nicely built so that you can manage your project faster and access main features without spending a lot of time. This is where all the menu preferences, main controls, shortkeys and most used functions are placed. What are the main parts of this program, and what do all these weird buttons mean. In order to get familiar with FL Studio, the first thing we have to cover is all the interface. So without further ado, let’s get right into the basics! FL Studio 20 Interface Time is the most valuable currency there is, so I will do my best to give it to you. But I do not recommend this method, since you will be limited by capabilities that you didn’t know existed! Personally I’ve learnt the hard way by doing it manually. It might take you a few days to get used to it if you keep reading the points I have to share with you. With the proper guidance, you can master FL Studio basics very quickly. I could do classic four on floor beat with the given initial samples, but that was it. I had the same feeling back in 2009, when I first opened FL Studio. If it is the case, you are in the right place. Nothing seems to make sense and it can get difficult to even produce a basic and simple beat. If you are new to music production, opening FL Studio for the first time might be confusing.